Most Rev. Dr. Theodosius Mar Thoma Metropolitan delivered the message, emphasizing gratitude, compassion, and resilience. (English Text)

Most Rev. Dr. Theodosius Mar Thoma Metropolitan delivered the message, emphasizing gratitude, compassion, and resilience. (English Text)

Most Rev. Dr. Theodosius Mar Thoma Metropolitan delivered the message, emphasizing gratitude, compassion, and resilience. 

The Most Rev. Dr. Theodosius Mar Thoma Metropolitan began by referring to the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 2, verses 29-30, where Simeon praises God for allowing him to see the salvation prepared for all people. The message underscores the importance of expressing gratitude toward God for the opportunity to participate in the worship service, especially in a newly built church. It serves as a reminder that many people longed for this moment but could not attend.

He reflects on how the migration of young people to different parts of the world has impacted church communities, often leaving primarily children and the elderly in attendance. The message calls for encouraging young people to be more active in worship, ensuring that every generation feels included in the church community.

Drawing from the example of Jesus being brought to the temple on the eighth day, where Simeon and Anna glorified God, the speaker emphasizes the need to make space for all age groups in the church. He shares the story of an older adult being given a place of honor in a queue, reminding us that older people should be treated with respect and inclusion.

Compassion and Inclusion in the Church Community

The Most Rev. Dr. Theodosius Mar Thoma Metropolitan recounts a story about an older man with a cane arriving at the back of a line. People made room for him to move forward one by one, demonstrating respect for his age. He questions where such acts of kindness are seen today, emphasizing that churches should not be places of rejection but communities that draw people closer, especially the elderly and those who might otherwise feel marginalized.

In observance of "Senior Citizens Day," he highlights that older people serve as role models for future generations. He shares the story of Jesus seeing a woman bent over while praying in the synagogue and calling her forward despite her marginalization. This is a powerful reminder that everyone has a place in God's house.

Ensuring Inclusivity and Care in Worship Spaces

The speaker encourages accommodations for older people and children within the church, suggesting the need for wheelchairs and designated areas for mothers with young children. The parish community is urged to provide accessible toilet facilities and medical support, emphasizing that the church's responsibility is to care for all its members.

Contentment, Fulfillment, and the Pursuit of a Graceful Life

The Most Rev. Dr. Theodosius Mar Thoma Metropolitan touches upon contentment and fulfillment in life. He starts with a prayer asking God to bless the elderly, allowing them to live with joy, satisfaction, and fulfillment. He highlights that life should be an opportunity to experience the pleasure of living in God's presence rather than being filled with complaints or dissatisfaction.

Reflecting on Simeon's declaration of peace, he teaches two key lessons: helping those unable to stand alone and living a life focused on witnessing God's deliverance. He further elaborates on the four pursuits of life—Artha (wealth), Dharma (righteousness), Kama (desire), and Moksha (liberation). He emphasizes that while wealth and pleasure are necessary, they should not dominate one's life, advocating for ethical living and loving others.

The Story of Contentment and Simplicity

The message shares a narrative about a woodcutter who became wealthy but restless and unhappy. The woodcutter eventually realized that true joy comes from leading a simple and content life. The speaker underscores the importance of embracing "enough" and "no need" as keys to living a satisfied life.

He shares another anecdote about a man who, after achieving wealth, dedicated his life to serving others, realizing that wealth isn't everything. This represents the idea that there is a point when accumulating more wealth becomes unnecessary.

Lessons of Resilience and the Bougainvillea Plant

The speaker metaphorically uses the Bougainvillea plant to teach the lesson of "not withering in the heat." This resilient plant thrives in harsh conditions, symbolizing the importance of staying strong and facing life's challenges with a smile and hope. He encourages listeners to remain resilient and not give up, no matter how difficult life may be.

The Role of Forgiveness and Compassion in Old Age

Sharing a story about Nelson Mandela, the speaker highlights the power of forgiveness and treating others with love, even when they have wronged us. Mandela's kindness toward a former correctional officer demonstrates the importance of compassion and recognizing that everyone plays a role in God's plan for our growth.

The speaker encourages older individuals to exhibit compassion, patience, and forgiveness, transforming their lives into sources of inspiration for others. He uses a story about a schoolboy whose exam score was corrected, removing a "very good" comment, to illustrate how we often assess a person's worth based on material or external achievements instead of valid values.

Living with Integrity and Sincerity

The Most Rev. Dr. Theodosius Mar Thoma Metropolitan emphasizes that not every child will achieve perfect scores, and that's perfectly fine. What truly matters is doing one's best and remaining honest. The focus should not be on comparing oneself with others but on holding onto life's values and growing with them.

He shares a story about a young newspaper boy delivering papers on a snowy day. Despite the harsh conditions, the boy remained committed, motivated by his mother's lesson: the reward for hard work and honesty is enough. This serves as a reminder that real value lies not in how much one earns but in how faithfully one fulfills responsibilities.


The message concludes with a prayer, thanking God for the gift of life and asking for guidance in always bringing others into the worshiping community.

Most Rev. Dr. Theodosius Mar Thoma Metropolitan prays for the strength to live by values rooted in God's kingdom, serve as an example to others, and live a life that reflects honesty, integrity, and love.


Gratitude and worship, inclusivity in church, compassion and kindness, contentment and simplicity, resilience in faith, forgiveness and love, values of life, elderly care in church, integrity and sincerity.

1. The Blessings of Inclusion and Worship: Finding Our Place in God's House

Gospel teachings, inclusion in worship, church community, welcoming the elderly, Simeon's story, young people in the church, gratitude and faith, worship service, respect, and kindness

2 Senior Citizens as Pillars of Faith: Celebrating the Legacy of the Elderly

Senior Citizens Day honors the elderly, church inclusivity, youth role models, compassion in worship, Jesus' teachings, church facilities, and senior care.

3.  Living with Fulfillment: The Path of Gratitude and Humility

  Fulfillment in life, contentment, and gratitude, Simeon's lesson, humility in service, ethical living, faith journey, joy in simplicity, spiritual growth.

4.  Resilience and Hope: Lessons from Nature and Faith

  Resilience in faith, facing challenges, Bougainvillea plant lesson, Apostle Paul's journey, hope and perseverance, strength in adversity, and spiritual growth.

5.  The Power of Forgiveness and Selflessness: Mandela's Lesson of Love

  Forgiveness and love, Nelson Mandela's story, selflessness in service, elderly role models, compassion in action, humility in leadership, and church community care.

6.  Living with Integrity and Sincerity: The True Measure of Success

  Integrity and sincerity, hard work and honesty, spiritual values, life of fulfillment, inspiration for youth, role models, and Christian teachings.

7.  Embracing a Life of Values: Raising the Next Generation with Faith

  Raising future generations and grandparents as role models, teaching biblical values, the life of grace, Paul's journey, and living with purpose, faith, and family.

8.  Compassion, Integrity, and the Pursuit of a Life Well-Lived

  Compassion and kindness, life's values, Christian integrity, generosity and service, role models in faith, building a life of grace, and living a legacy

By Thomas Cheriyan  


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